Monday, November 29, 2010

Hasta luego!

And so here I am, my last night (although it's early morning) in Pennsylvania for 6 months! It's a scary thought, yes, but very exciting too. I find the more I talk about going to Honduras and the new experiences I'll be having, the more excited I'm becoming.

A few things before I head off into the great unknown:
*If you wish to be on my prayer list, please let me know! Email or Facebook will do.
*I fly out of JFK on Wednesday at 7:10am, so be praying that all goes smoothly! Especially once we hit Honduras and have to go through immigration and customs.
* I WILL be able to receive padded envelopes and snail-mail, just no boxes and what-not, because I'll have to pay taxes on those. You can send those things to:
Evi Long
c/o Barry & Kimberly Horst
Apartado 15005, CP 11105,
Tegucigalpa, Honduras,
Central America

So, goodnight and thanks for the fish! (and prayers!)
Love you all, and Hopefully you will get an update at the end of the week--yes, once I've actually arrived!


  1. Have an amazing time Evi!!!! I know God's gonna use you and teach you lots!

  2. oh, oh! the excitment is terrible and delectible, I know! I'm praying for you!
