Sunday, June 13, 2010

exaggeration. I covet your prayers!
an get them out really soon, and be able to talk to people face to face.
This heat is crazy! The humidity feels about 70%, although I'm sure that's an
So, I figured out how I can update from my phone! I feel rather high-tech now. Well, I'm still working on my support letters, so just be praying that I c

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

First post!

Hello friends!
This is my first post! I decided to start a blog, so you all can keep up with me while I'm preparing for my discipleship internship in Honduras. Plus, I love writing, so hopefully this works out great for everybody!
So, being officially accepted into the S.T.E.P program is exciting! And scary! I'm currently working on my support letter, and hopefully Sunday I'll get down to talking to people. I'm really looking for prayer partners right now, because more than anything else I need prayer right now. Trust in God, and then everything will fall into place after that :)
I keep realizing that Summer is going to run away from me, so I'm trying to get my behind into GO mode. Juggling work, youth group, and being on the Worship team for Cove Valley Christian Camp, and getting ready for New York and Honduras is going to be a challange, but one I'm ready to take on!
This Friday I look forward to a trip to Hershey Park with my youth group for an end of year party, and maybe I'll get rid of this white winterness on my skin ;-P Gotta get dark so I can fit in...
I'll post later this week hopefully, and keep you updated on prayer requests!

Amor siempre en Cristo!